From the Barents Regional Youth Council
Regarding adoption of the Barents Regional Youth Programme 2015-2018
The continuation of the Barents Youth Cooperation Office in Murmansk
To: Members of the Barents Regional Council
1.Regarding adoption of the Barents Regional Youth Programme 2015-2018
The first Barents Youth Programme was adopted by the Barents Regional Council in 2002, and has been prolonged ever since because it proved so successful in obtaining its goals: to make the Barents region more attractive for young people and to encourage them to choose to stay in the region or return to it after completing their education.
In 2004 the Barents Regional Youth Council (BRYC) was established to make sure that young people have an arena to facilitate active participation and realization of youth initiatives. BRYC represents youth from all the Barents counties as well as indigenous peoples.
We, the Barents youth, believe that the adoption of the Barents Youth Programme for 2015-2018 by the Barents Regional Council is absolutely crucial to ensure continued opportunities for young people in the region to realize their project ideas, be an active part in the Barents cooperation and contribute to the development of the region.
The Barents Programme 2014-2018 that was adopted by the Barents Regional Council on 2 June 2013, states that children and young people are the most valuable resource and have a beneficial interest in the future development of the Barents region. We believe that the Barents Regional Council’s open and active support of youth engagement and activities is important to foster a prosperous environment for youth in the Barents region. An environment where we as young people can develop, create, participate and express ourselves.
We, the Barents youth, urge you as members of the Barents Regional Council to adopt the Barents Youth Programme 2015- 2018, and ask that you continue your support of youth in the region through the activities of the Joint Working Group on Youth and funding of the Barents Regional Youth Council.
2. Regarding the continuation of the Barents Youth Cooperation Office in Murmansk
The Barents youth cooperation office (BYCO) in Murmansk was established in 2002 to support and facilitate all cross-border cooperation related to youth issues on the regional level. BYCO provides youth networks and organizations with guidance and information on funding, project management, partner search and ongoing projects in the region. Thus, BYCO plays a key role in facilitating and fulfilling the goals of the Barents Youth Programme. BYCO is working for all young people in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region, helping them to create and carry out successful international projects.
We, the Barents youth, acknowledge the vital role that the Barents Youth Cooperation Office plays in facilitating cooperation between youth in the region. We ask that you as members of the Barents Regional Council to continue to support BYCO, by securing the financial means necessary to maintain its operation.
We, the Barents youth, are the future of the region. Together, BYCO and BRYC have facilitated a number of successful projects, given youth real experience in international cooperation, encouraged youth to pursue education and career possibilities in the region and provided a platform where issues concerning youth in the whole region can be discussed and solved. Today, a significant amount of our energy is instead used on ensuring funding for our work.
We urge the Barents Regional Council to take a broad and long-term approach to its youth policy in the Barents region in line with the Barents Programme 2014-2018, where the successful operation of The Joint Working Group on Youth, The Barents Regional Youth Council, and the Barents Youth Cooperation Office are viewed as complementary and mutually dependent, working stronger together towards the common goal of a better, more prosperous and attractive Barents region.
Isa Tolonen, Kainuu Jaakko Joentakanen, Lapland Tuure Vairio, Oulu
Viktoria Instanes Markussen, Nordland Hege Kallbekken,Troms
Arvid Nordvall, Norrbotten Anastasia Oparina, Arkhangelsk Maxim Mashin, Karelia
Ekaterina Konevskaya, Komi Inna Fedorova, Murmansk