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Educational weekend

WHEN: 18-20 September 2015
WHERE: Hotel Pohjankievari, Kempele (Oulu, Finland)

Barentsize is an educational weekend for active youth from Pohjois-Pohjanmaa and Oulu regions. It is funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education, Culture (and youth) and organized by two Barents Regional Youth Council board members, Sunna Kokkonen (Finland) and Johan Berglund (Sweden).

The question to be discussed: What is Barents? How am I related to Barents? How could we young people make Barents better - in a practical way, not just listening to our country representatives talk in endless conferences and boards?

If you want to participate please fill in this form.


Language English - Engelsk


Youth and indigenous adviser
Ph: +47 458 85 132

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