Welcome to the official website of the Barents Regional Youth Council (BRYC)! Here, you will find information about youth cooperation in the Barents Region, as well as an overview of youth projects and events. Follow us and help us grow the Barents Youth family!
5.2 million
Barents region population (2019)
1.8 million
Barents population under 30 (2019)
Barents Indigenous Youth Side Event 2023
During the Summit of Barents Euro-Arctic Indigenous Sámi People, BRYC together with Sámi Youth Idea Lab hosted a side-event to the summit.
Questions discussed were among others:
- How can we make Barents region more liveable?
- How is it like to be the young person and living in the remote areas of the High North? How can the young people contribute to more transparent decision making?
- Who keeps depriving young Sámi of their land and how can young Sámi reach the European institutions that are supporting them?
Annual Event 2023 - Think Green
Welcome to the BRYC Annual Event 2023: Think Green! After years of pandemic, we are finally ready to meet with the Barents Youth family again physically! This year, the event will be held in Rovaniemi in Finland, 25th-26th February. Please read the information below for information regarding the program and registration.
BRYC Annual Report 2021
2021 was an important year for BRYC. The youth council continued to become more integrated in the overall work of the Barents Cooperation structure through various meetings and events, such as the Barents Foreign Ministers meeting, the Barents Indigenous Peoples’ Summit, the Barents Youth Summit and the Finnish Presidency Event. By the initiative of the Chairmanships (Norway and Västerbotten), a new administrative system for BRYC was put in place by the end of 2021. In addition, the International Barents Secretariat (IBS) welcomed two new advisors on youth and indigenous issues, thanks to voluntary contributions by Finland and Norway. The strengthened administrative support has since then helped improve BRYC’s work capacity and increased the number of meetings/activities.